Monday, August 4, 2008

Acai, The Perfect Berry

Acai has been touted as "the perfect food" because of its dense nutritional value. As with any newfound health treasure, everyone is jumping on the acai bandwagon. There are many products containing acai, but what level of quality are you getting? DON'T BE FOOLED!

Our product has the best acai available in the United States. Acai and the other fruit used in The Perfect Berry beverage is harvested at its peak and processed quickly to preserve the valuable phytonutrients and antioxidants. The fruit juices and purees are combined and flash pasteurized, which further preserves the fruits nutritional integrity.

What you get in the end product is a healthy beverage, chock full of what your body needs. Aside from the fiber, you get your daily requirement of fruit nutrients in just 2-4 ounces per day.

Questions? Contact us for more information:
Phone: (678) 542-9816
Distributor ID 289944/abcteam

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